Petition to Oppose Case No ZA 2006-0805(CUB)(PA1)-The Comedy Union

In response to the Notice of Public hearing regarding the above reference case number and applicant, our community does not want another establishment within its boundaries to serve a full line of alcohol beverages.  The establishment is located within 15 of another business that serves a full line of alcohol beverages; 20 feet across the street from another establishment that serves a full line of alcohol beverages and within 100 feet of a liquor store that sell a full line of alcohol beverages.
We, the undersigned, in response to the Notice of Public hearing regarding case number ZA 2006-0805(CUB)(PA1), do not want another establishment withing its boundaries to serve a full line of alcohol beverages.  This establishment is located within 15 feet of the another business that serves a full line of alcohol beverages; 20 feet across the street from the subject property, 5040 W. Pico Blvd, another establishment serves a full line of alcohol beverages; and less than 100 feet west there's a liquor that sells a full line of alcohol beverages.

The subject establishment states, according to the public hearing notice, it provides 6 on-site parking spaces and 35 off-site parking spaces via lease agreement within 750 feet of the subject property.  However, the patrons of the establishment are self parking and using residential spaces on Orange Drive, Sycamore Avenue, Meadowbrook Avenue, and Redondo Blvd.  The alleged 41 spaces of parking is not enough for the amount of traffic the business has brought into the community. 

Residents of the neighboring residential streets are unable to park within 25 feet of their homes.  Patrons of this business are blocking driveways of the residents on Sycarmore Avenue and Orange Drive.  This business is very popular, so popular that it's dubbed, "the hottest comedy club in Los Angeles".  The patrons of the hottest club live outside of the immediate community.  It is not fair for the residents, mostly homeowners, to have to fight for parking with individuals that do not have a vested interest in the community. 

The residents of the community are not working 9am to 5pm anymore, most are commuting up to 2 hours daily arriving home after 8pm.  The establishment's doors open at 8pm for a 9pm show.  There's an incentive to arrive close to 8pm so that the patrons may receive a discounted admission fee.  However, there isn't an incentive for the residents that have to pay a mortgage or rent to leave work early to get a parking space near their home.

Although, we the undersigned, welcome new businesses in the area, we want the new businesses to respect the residents in the area.  In the interest of all in this community, the residents are requesting that the owner/operator of said establishment provide valet only parking for its patrons and should include "valet only parking" in the advertising for this business and to serve beer and wine only for on-site consumption.


The Residents of
Pico del Mar Neighborhood Association
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