Trapped in Fire: Protect Animals at Bangkok's Markets!

  • by: Care2 Team
  • recipient: Bangkok Metropolitan Administration

Recently, tragedy struck at one of the largest outdoor markets in Southeast Asia. A horrific fire swept through the pet zone of the market, leading to the heartbreaking loss of over 1,000 animals. Imagine the terror and pain felt by thousands of innocent animals – including puppies, cats, fish, and exotic birds, all trapped in cages with no chance of escape – as fire engulfed their enclosures. This devastating incident has highlighted the dark side of wildlife trade in tourist-centric markets where the welfare of animals is often overlooked. 

Sign this petition to urge the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration to enforce comprehensive regulations that protect the welfare of animals sold in markets and to prohibit the sale of wild animals at Chatuchak Market!

Bangkok's Chatuchak Weekend Market is known for its vibrant array of goods from across the globe. Local animal welfare advocates have long criticized Chatuchak Market for its role in the unethical and often illegal trade of wildlife. The initial investigations suggest an electrical fault as the cause, igniting not just the market but also a fierce debate on the ethics and legality of wildlife sales under such appalling conditions.

The fire not only represents a massive loss of life but also underscores the urgent need for Thailand to reform its approach to wildlife trade. It is imperative that the government implement stricter regulations on animal trade and breeding, ensuring that such a tragedy never occurs again. Let's honor the memory of the lives lost by making lasting changes. 

Sign the petition to ensure all animals in Thailand's markets are treated with the care and respect they deserve!

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