A Hunter must put a GPS tracker on there hunting dog

It's time we start a “zero tolerance” We need laws to prosecute the owners of each abandoned dog found in the woods. Before we can do that, we need a law that requires Hunters that own hunting dogs to apply for a permit to hunt with these dogs. The Hunter must also be responsible for placing a tracking chip on their hunting dog, Just in case they claim the pet ran off.

We need a prosecution policy-in place. These dogs are facing a horrific death when left tied to a tree to die because the Hunter feels the dog has disappointed him/her by not fetching his duck or his kill shot. We should be doing everything we can to protect these animals from being killed because they failed to hunt.

Leaving these dogs out in the middle of the woods with no food or water is inhumane, unnecessary, and unacceptable. PLEASE! Sign our petition and demand that their be change in regulations when owning a hunting dog. We will be sending these petitions to every Governor and Senator as we demand this to stop in every STATE.

We demand the hunter to be criminally prosecuted for cruelty and abandonment to their hunting dog, when left in the woods to die. If a hunter abandons his/her hunting dog he/she will be arrested and if the hunter owns any other hunting dogs they must be rendered and placed in different facilities and shelters for abandoned and abused dogs. 

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