In Stevenson, Washington, Christopher Dillingham strapped a bomb to his dog on Sunday morning and detonated the explosive as the dog ate a treat.
Skamanial County Undersheriff Dave Cox investigated and found the remains of the yellow Lab strewn across the Dillingham's yard.

When neighbours called police, what they found was absolutely shocking.

Dillingham's son was home at the time and had no idea what had happend, until they were awakened by the explosion.
The Dog, named "Cabella" was found 'all over' the front yard, along with some of the inside houshold furniture.
Dillingham claimed the dog had, "The Devil inside him."
He was charged with the possession of explosives with 'intent to use for an unlawful purpose and reckless endangerment'.....but wasn't accused of ANIMAL ABUSE because the dog died right away. 

Sheriff Cox requires 'proof' of animal suffering.

Dillingham owns a firework's business. He has a past record of domestic violence, assault and a DUI. He is currently being held in custody in lieu of $500,000 bond. 

This action is VERY important because his actions weren't considered 'ANIMAL ABUSE'! 

Prosecutor Adam Kick must charge this man with the 'willful intent' to do incredulous harm to an animal, regardless if the dog died right away. Being that no 'Vet' was on the scene, there is NO DIFFINITIVE PROOF that this poor animal died immediately, and could have suffered after is was 'blown up'.

Mr. Dillingham NEEDS to be PROSECUTED with WILLFUL ANIMAL ABUSE and charged to the FULLEST extent of the law---with NO CHANCE of owning an animal for the rest of his life! 

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