• by: Christina T
  • recipient:;;;;;

"Both Chris and Odell would kick and stomp on dogs in their kennels if they barked too much. They kicked them all over; on their legs, in their stomach, and in their ribs. They kicked them so hard it knocked the breath out of them and caused injuries; the dogs would yelp and then cry like they were hurt. Some would limp afterward. Some dogs were so badly injured from being kicked, they would bleed from their mouth and nose.

Intracardic injection (heart sticking) of conscious animals was performed on dogs, puppies, cats, and kittens. This is an illegal and very painful form of euthanasia. (McAfee Note: animals must be completely unconscious before performing intracardiac euthanasia, not simply sedated and certainly not conscious. 3.2-6503, 3.2-6570A.) Animals would take 20-30 minutes to die. They would "flop around" until they died, and if they did not die, they were heart stuck again. (McAfee Note: Intracardiac and IV euthanasia should cause death within seconds. The length of time it took animals to die is evidence of the lung or diaphragm being painfully injected, not the heart.) Animals cried out in pain and struggled to free themselves while being heart stuck.
Odell would straight out heart stick fully conscious, fractious dogs, stating "That will calm his ass down" and then throw the dog into the quarantine room off the garage to die. If the dog didn't die and was still breathing after 20 minutes, he would heart stick the dog a second time. Dogs could be stuck 3-4 times before Odell finally hit the heart and the animal died."
Quotes from Diane Ryan Blog.

The dog pictured above, along with countless others, was cruelly neglected, deprived of water, food and veterinary care and was eventually euthanized.

The full blog can be found at

Please sign the petition to let the leaders of our community know that we will not stand by and allow the County Employees to treat our animals in such a way.  Charges for animal cruelty and neglect need to be brought against the Officers responsible. Additional information can be found on the Save Our Animals page on Facebook.  Please be a voice for the voiceless.

I would ask you to take a deeper look into the animal cruelty that has happened at our Russell County Animal Shelter.  The heinous acts that were committed against these poor, innocent animals should not be tolerated, and I, as a resident, am concerned about not only the future of the shelter, but the animals that endured malnutrition, lack of water and veterinary care in the past.  These animals are not forgotten.  I would ask that you, as our elected officials, make this wrong right again.

Update #28 years ago
On March 6, 2017 at 6:00 pm we will be presenting our case before the board of supervisors. We need everyone that can, to come out and support our cause. Anyone that can come, please let me know by email at Thank you for your support, for without you, we would not be able to make a difference in these animals' lives.
Update #18 years ago
We now have over 2,000 signers, thank you to everyone that has signed. The Russell County Board of Supervisors is meeting on March 7, 2017 and Lonzo Lester will be contesting the previous fondings. We need your help to showe up at this meeting with signs protesting what has been done to these animals by the Musicks. Our ultimate goal is for the Musicks to be terminated and criminal charges to be filed. Please come out and support this cause!
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