• by: Heather H
  • recipient: Kenneth Lowe, Chairman, President and CEO of Scripps Networks

Mr. Lowe,
I have written to the Travel Channel before and gotten no response. In Andrew Zimmern's Bizarre Foods there are many scenes that glorify brutal killings of animals, inhumane slaughter and skinning of conscious, sentient animals. The show depicts heinous acts of cruelty and glorifies them. Andrew Zimmern, himself, has performed cruel acts on the show including skinning a live bullfrog while it was conscious. He seems to glory in the animal's suffering and seems to relish eating animal hearts that are still beating in a disgusting manner. I believe these scenes desensitize viewers to the horrors of animal cruelty. It must stop. There is no reason an animal cannot be rendered unconscious for slaughter. I encourage everyone to boycott the Travel Channel and other Scripps networks including HGTV, Food Network and DIY Network until they clean up their act.

Mr. Lowe, there is wide scientific consensus that animals feel pain and emotions the same way we humans do. I ask that you choose to depict more humane and compassionate content in your programming. You have the power to change what is shown on your networks. Please act accordingly.

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