Justice for Ike the K9, Locked in a Car and Left to Die in 98 Degree Heat!

Three K9s in Arizona have lost their lives in the past 2 years due to their handlers' neglect. Two officers have already have had the charges against them dismissed. Now we have a third dog death. This abuse/cruelty must stop and Arizona has laws which address animal cruelty that need to be enforced.

Jesse Dorantes, who is employed at the Arizona State Prison Complex-Lewis in Buckeye, Arizona, left Ike, a Belgian Malinois, in his vehicle for 7 hours.

On April 9, 2014 Ike was confined in a cage in an SUV from 6:45am until he was found at 1:50pm. The outside temperature had reached 98 degrees. Ike had no food or water and the vehicle windows were completely rolled up.

Ike's internal temperature was 110 degrees -- his organs would have begun to fail at 107 degrees. His "handler" FORGOT him in the vehicle. He FORGOT his partner! This is cruelty at its worst!

Mr. Dorantes needs to be judged by a jury of his peers and not just forgiven by his department. He is already under criminal investigation and could face years in prison. But we need to stop this from ever happening again.

Sign the petition to tell the AZ Dept. of Corrections to include anti-animal cruelty provisions in its officer training. Demand justice for Ike!

UPDATE: There will be no charges in this case. Please continue to sign and share the petition to ensure the Dept. of Corrections takes steps to ensure this never happens again!

Arizona Dept. of Corrections,

We the undersigned urge you to do more to punish those who engage in animal cruelty and better train your officers to care for their K9 companions.

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