Rally to End the Melbourne Horse-Drawn Carriage Trade~Saturday, July 26 at 2:30pm in UTC+10

Corner Swanston Street & Flinders Street, Melbourne (outside cathedral)




Saturday, July 26 at 2:30pm in UTC+10


WORLD CLOCK CONVERTER: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html


Melbourne Against Horse-Drawn Carriages would like to create and maintain a strong and consistent presence in Swanston Street.

We aim to prove to the City of Melbourne council that this cruel practice is unwelcome by so many locals and visitors alike and to raise public awareness on this issue. We believe people often see unacceptable practices as acceptable simply because they have never been encouraged to, or thought to, question them.

There will be a table set up for those interested to comfortably approach us to discuss the issues and sign our petition. A large hand painted banner and some A3 posters will be available for people to hold but please feel free to bring along your own creation. There will also be some form of real entertainment that does not require exploitation -tbc.

At this stage we are looking at running this event on the last Saturday of every month commencing July 26, which will definitely be going ahead. Please feel free to invite people to this event that you know are 100% on the horses’ side and keen to be involved for them.

We request no attendees engage with the carriage drivers in any way.

Let's encourage tourists to enjoy Melbourne for its parks, street art, sports, thriving music scene, galleries, kids activities, restaurants and bars and to boycott animal cruelty.

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