The Kouprey (Bos sauveli) is an enigmatic ox endemic to Southeast Asia, listed as Critically Endangered .The Kouprey is a national treasure in Cambodia, yet has been dubbed a “living fossil” since very few people have been fortunate enough to see this mysterious species .
Over the last few decades, hope for the survival of this species has rapidly waned. Currently, Kouprey are Critically Endangered – Possibly Extinct, and will certainly go extinct in the near future unless effective action is taken immediately.
There are estimated to be fewer than 35 kouprey left in the world. There is some speculation on whether or not they are already extinct. These low numbers are attributed to uncontrolled hunting by locals and soldiers for meat, horns and skulls for use in traditional Chinese medicine, in conjunction with diseases introduced from cattle and loss of habitat due to agriculture and logging activity. Also, domestic livestock in the area could have introduced disease into the population.
Hunting, both for local consumption and for trade is he major threat throughout the kouprey's range .
Diseases from domestic and/or free-ranging livestock could have disastrous consequences given the already severely reduced kouprey population. Habitat loss as a result of the rapidly increasing land clearance for cultivation , mining and logging, as well as increasing levels of other human disturbances, and hunting are also threats.