No more deaths on Algonquin Ave, North Bay, ON! City needs new crosswalk at medical building!

No more senseless accidents crossing the street at 1221 Algonquin Ave! Help protect our North Bay citizens who park across the street from the medical building.

Women, men, children, elderly and building staff all cross that street daily. We either need a crosswalk where people can cross safely or another solution to the parking problem. 

In May 2016, two people -- an 80-year-old man and 74-year-old woman -- were struck and killed in this area.

How many more lives need to be affected before we resolve this issue?

Update #43 years ago
It is with a heavy heart that I am updating this petition to let supporters know that another life was taken on Algonquin Ave today, Sept 30, 2020. I don't have many details at this time. Please share this petition and I will try again to get our City to consider installing a life saving crosswalk.
Update #38 years ago
I have collected about 600 signatures and I am ready to push this to the next level!
I could either print out the petition and drop it off at City Hall or I can present it at the next City Council meeting, publicly. To do a public presentation, I would like to have as many supporters as possible come out and support me at City Hall. If you would be up to doing that (on the evening of June 27), please reply to this email and let me know ASAP.
Update #28 years ago
Dear supporters, I wanted to let you all know that The Moose 106.3 FM radio did an interview with me today about the petition. It will be aired tomorrow morning (Wed June 8). I'm hoping more people will go sign the petition. Keep sharing it! We are almost half way there ☺
Update #18 years ago
Thank you so much for your support! We have 329 supporters for this worthy cause and that's a great start, but I would like to reach 1000 signatures. I am passionate about making that area more safe for our pedestrians.

If you would kindly share the petition to your favourite social media I'm sure we could easily reach our target!

Have a wonderful day!

Cheryl :D
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