Tell The USA To Stop Abusing Animals At Rodeos!

American rodeos in the USA are torture champers for the animals forced to be in them; it is not sport but cruelity. The rodeo events have the animals provoked and violently harmed to make them act like wild untamed animals so that the cowboys there will look impressive and so its more entertaining. An animal in pain is not entertainment!

Before events animals are treated with an electric prod so the pain will rally them up; in the events the animals are handled with whips, electric prods, and spurs. Many of these animals come out injuried and some even die in such bruility! People even cheer these events on! Its appalling that something so barbaric is allowed to continue.

Around their abdomens is an "bucking" strap which is cinched so tightly that is causing open wounds and burns on the animals; this is placed on them so that they buck. Animal control officers have even admitted to finding irrents and burrs placed on the "bucking" straps as cowboys find the more pain the more the animals will buck. In roedos there is no concern the welfare or safety of animals; this is nothing but an blood sport.

There is no need for the countless innocent animals to be slaughter so needlessly in a sport; animal abuse is not entertainment.
The injuries animals forced into rodeos face are broken ribs, backs, and legs not to mention punctured lungs, deep internal organ bruising, hemorrhaging, ripped tendons, torn ligaments and muscles, snapped necks and ultimatly some will endure an long agonizing deaths all for a so-called sport.

This year alone in the Can-Am Rodeo, a young horse was so terrified she was screaming in pain when she burst from the chutes and slammed into a frence which resulted her breaking her neck. The death count of the annuel, nine-day Calgary Stampedes, six animas were dead as a result. The death count included one horse who had died after having an aneurism and another who suffered a broken leg and was put down. Before this the year before nine deaths happened on a bridge to enter the reode when some of the animals jumped with fear and others where pushed into a river. At the National Western Stock Show, two horses lost their lifes. One who crashed into a wall which broke his neck and the other broke his back because of bucking. At Rodeo Houston, a bull broke his neck during a steer-wrestling competition but left to suffer and continue for a full 15 minutes before being put down. All these and so so much more horrfic abuse cases within the rodeos.

Once an animal is no longer at use for the rodeo; if it lives this long, its retairment is to be sent to the slaughterhouse where it is abused again until its harsh death.

In the 21st century we do not need to torture and abuse animals for entertainment; we have so many alternatives these days. With the reeletion of President Obama lets do something meanaful. In his last term he legalised same-sex couples being allowed to marry; this term please urge him to ban America's blood sport by ending rodeos.  

Dear reader,

Do you care about animals? Are you a compassionate person? In rodeos animals are being abused, expolitated, and have their welfare and safety compermised. Each year so many deaths are caused by rodeos. 

America rodeos are torture champers for the animals forced to be in them; it is not sport but cruelity. The rodeo events have the animals provoked and violently harmed to make them act like wild untamed animals so that the cowboys there will look impressive and so its more entertaining. An animal in pain is not entertainment!

Please sign this petition and urge President Obama to ban all rodeos in America. 

Blessed Be xxx


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