UDOT-Remove the Western Option Through the NORTH FIELDS from the Heber Valley Bypass Road Map!

Please sign (AND SHARE!)  this petition and fight to protect one of the last open fields of Wasatch County from busy roads, along with the immense future development that new roads always bring. A revised map of viable options is coming out in May 2022, we need to share our request to remove Option D immediately!
See map here: UDOT Heber Valley EIS MAP
The Utah Dept. of Transportation included the Western Option D proposal on the October 2021 map of alternative routes, even though this option was not previously announced to the public for vetting. Western Option D dissects 2800 acres of sacred, scenic, historic agricultural lands of the North Fields, and Wasatch County residents have consistently expressed that this area is worthy of preserving.
The 2019 Heber Envision 2050 General Plan survey stated that 96% of respondents said that the North Fields is a priority to preserve open space. In 2018, Wasatch County voters passed a $10 Million Open Space Bond and cited the North Fields as a priority area to accomplish conservation easements. In the same year, the citizens voted by 63% on Prop 10- to reverse a county council rezone of the North Fields area. In 2016, almost 74% voted AGAINST the rezone of the North Fields to a smaller 10 acre zone. In 2010, a Brigham Young University survey was done for Heber City and 65% said open space was "very important", and 25% said "somewhat important".
What makes the North Fields so special? The Heber Valley's history shows this area was the perfect environment for pioneer settlers to raise livestock, an industry that the valley relied on for many years. Today these sprawling fields offer mitigation from pollution and overcrowding of our valley floor. The scenic beauty, as seen from all over the valley, is our #1 tourist draw, which is a major driver of our economy. The meandering Provo River is a blue ribbon fly fishing stream, and Its tributary of Rock Creek is a naturally occurring, pristine fish hatchery; feeding the Provo River. It is one of the last places in the valley that is a flood irrigation system, which attracts all kinds of waterfowl, and developed ecosystems. This flood irrigation system also replenishes the pristine aquifer under Heber City which supplies quality culinary water to thousands of citizens.
Leaving the Western Option D on the map is prohibitive to any future preservation of the North Fields and will inhibit current efforts to leverage Wasatch County bond funds with national funding to preserve these pristine fields.
Removing Western Option D today from UDOT's Bypass map will allow current preservation efforts to move forward as has been expressed by so many in the County as one of our major priorities!
Pls sign this petition today, as UDOT is preparing the release a new, revised map to the public in late May 2022! Western Option D needs to be removed today! 

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