Save Rainforest, Save Sumatran Tigers

Mrs. Ericson’s Third Grade Class

ELCO Intermediate School

100 Evergreen Drive

Myerstown, PA 17042


March 2, 2014



Dear General Mill,

            We, third grade students in the ELCO School District, in Myerstown, PA, petition General Mills to use palm oil from sustainable sources in your products.  We really like Cheerios and other products produced by your company but we are very concerned about the Sumatran Tiger.  The tiger is on the endangered species list.  There might be only 400 of them left. 


            Millions of acres of rainforest in Indonesia are being destroyed.  Palm Oil Trees are being planted in place of the rainforest.  This does not need to happen.  Palm Oil Trees can be planted in the rainforest with the trees that have been growing there for hundreds of years.   


            We need you to help save the rainforest.  We need the rainforest and so do the animals that live there.  Many of the medicines used to treat people with diseases come from plants that grow only in the rainforest.  The ancient trees of the rainforest help to keep the air we breathe clean and they help to keep Earth from being too warm.  Rainforest are special ecosystems.  You have the power in the palm of your hand to help save these wonderful places.


            Show your valued customers that you care about the environment and all of the creatures that live on Earth.  Make sure that you 

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