They Revoked Her Job Offer Because She Was a New Mother

  • by: Care2 Team
  • recipient: Museum of Modern Art PS1

According to the Museum of Modern Art PS1 in Long Island, NY, they are "committed to a work environment in which all applicants and employees are treated with respect and dignity." But if you ask curator Nikki Columbus, she might tell you otherwise.

The 43-year-old had been in talks with museum executives for months for a chance to work as the institution's curator of performances. For Nikki the job was ideal and she happiliy accepted, but when Nikki informed museum leadership that she had recently had a baby and inquired about a temporary work-from-home arrangment — she says her job offer was immediately revoked. 

This is discrimination, plain and simple. Sign the petition calling on the museum to change their discriminatory policies against working mothers!

According to Columbus, she was pregnant the entire negotiation process and had several face to face meetings with the museum leaders where it would have been clear that she was expecting. However, as its in her rights, she decided not to explicitly bring up the subject.

She was elated to receive a job offer and now, the only thing to iron out were her working hours. She had just given birth to her son and wanted flexibility while she recuperated. But when she reached out to management to enquire about working from home — not maternity leave — for a short period of time, they were angry and revoked the job offer saying that she could now "not perform the job as it is presently structured."

When companies and organizations discriminate against working mothers it excludes capable, talented candidates from the workpool and disadvantages them, their families and their future.

It is unacceptable that an institution dedicated to bringing beauty to the world would behave in such an ugly manner. That's why we are asking MoMA PS1 to change their discriminatory ways towards mothers in the workforce — and you can help.

Please add your name to join the fight against discrimination and tell MoMa PS1 to create policies friendly to working mothers.

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