• by: Lilly Z.
  • recipient: Congress, Secretary of the Interior, US Fish & Wildlife Services
Bottom trawling is a very invasive way to obtain fish from our oceans. It destroys ecosystems, pollutes our oceans, and isn't effective when trying to reduce waste. When bottom trawling occurs so does bycatch. Bycatch is when an animal gets caught in a fishing net that wasn't intended, like a salmon boat catching an eel or a stingray.

Due to some laws regarding protected animals and the hassle that comes with bycatch, it's common for most fisheries to dispose of bycatch at sea or at port, usually dead. It's been estimated that since 2012, 378 billion pounds of sea life has been discarded.

We are taking too many animals from the ocean before they can repopulate. The ocean is not bottomless. It is a fragile ecosystem that once lost, can never be obtained again.
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