Stop The Abuse and Wholesale Murders Of Horses!

  • by: Taina Amayi
  • recipient: President Barack Obama, Congress, Everyone

My friends, there is an issue, which though approved by a number of people, is marked by exreme violence, cruelty, abuse and hardship. While horses may be edible delicacies to some, if they only knew. First, see:

The slaughter of horses is one more "fetish", which appeals to the vanity of the self-entitled, and many of these precious animals are slaughtered in the vilest ways. If the mass murderers, and their pundits, think that we are foolish enough to think that horsemeat for consumption is the issue, they are gravely mistaken. Meat that is tough, chewy, sinewy and just plain hard, are produced from animals who have suffered pain and terror in the slaughterhouses of cruel and evil madmen. See the picture I placed as the theme. Does THIS look humane to you? I invite you, my friends, to view my video at, which I made on behalf of the Humane Society, and for everyone aware of, and against, animal cruelty of ANY kind. It is a tough video to watch, but the truth must be told. The same mindset, which pervades abuses against dogs, cats, etcetera, pervades the awful murders of horses. It is NOT a matter of "food", but rather, of greed, and wanton cruelty and terrible violence. If States like Oklahoma won't listen, then we must appeal to the leaders in Washington, who know that this is wrong.

Please stand with me, and end the wholesale murder of whom the Lakota People call Sŭnka Wakaŋ - Sacred Dogs. Please help stop the cruelty. Thank you.

All My Relations

Update #210 years ago
Who will speak for those who cannot speak for themselves?
Update #110 years ago
We are at 1,165 signatures on this urgently important petition, thanks to all of you. I think that we can reach the 1000 mark, and surpass it. I appreciate what you have done. Please continue to share it, and together, we can make great things happen. Please keep sharing. Pass it on. Tell your families, and everyone who will listen about this issue. The brutality must end.
All My Relations,
~Taina Amayi~
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