Help end the failure of the Arena European Masters Championships 2016 and make it a success - not something negatively affecting the image of masters swimming, the organisers, London and the sponsors

  • by: Alison Miller
  • recipient: The Sponsors, including Arena, Myrtha Pools, Malmsten, UK Sport, London and partners, The Mayor of London

The event should have been an opportunity to showcase masters swimming and grow the community.  However, it now falls far short of expected standards, including those recommended by Scottish Swimming/the ASA for warm up and cool down. The limited facilities may compromise safety and lead to injuries.


Many people, including top swimmers, have withdrawn in disgust.


Changes to the conditions have also breached the legal rights of entrants, many of whom are out of pocket and angry, leading to embarrassing lawsuits, letters to MPs etc.


The event still has the capacity to be a triumph, and we ask the sponsors to work with the organisers to ensure the following:


(1) Withdrawals with refunds AFTER the venue for different events has been set, thus reducing races in the warm up pool to free it for warm up. As entries will still likely remain in excess of those announced for this event, there is no reason to refuse this.


(2) Temporary pool(s) for warm up and cool down. If not, technically feasible, the organisers should make public a statement, with evidence from the operator of the Olympic Park, to show this.


(3) Immediate publication of certification of the length of the warm up pool, to reassure competitors of compliance with FR 2.2.1 for records purposes.


(4) Those who entered 5 events as per the original conditions to continue with these if they wish. The organisers have indicated this affects only a few people, but many of these will waste accommodation costs if they can’t swim.


(5) Email to all competitors on who is legally responsible and on the complaints system as is required by law. Many entrants have complaints and/or legal disputes which need dealing with.


Remember. Masters swimmers are also parents, grandparents, coaches and volunteers that make he sport what it is. An association with an event they have been treated badly reflects badly on the sponsors. These are your customers; look after them.

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