Name: Breed: Sex: Size: Age: Info:
Pit Bull Terrier Mix
Waiting For You!
Darius has experienced more turmoil in his short life then many dogs experience in a lifetime. At just a few weeks old, both Darius and his sister suffered horrendous abuse at the hands of a human. When we found them at a local town shelter, it was obvious that Darius sustained the worst injuries with a broken jaw, fluid on the brain and resulting brain damage. How anyone could do this to such a sweet baby, we%u2019ll never know. His jaw healed well but Darius will always carry the scars of his ordeal. His head has a slight tilt and one eye shows the effects of his ordeal. It%u2019s taken some time, with lots of TLC and patience, but Darius is starting to blossom into a fine young man. Darius just completed a 7 week training class and knows sit, down, stay, paw, leave it and is learning more. Darius has grown up in a shelter and it is time for him to have a real home. He enjoys the company of many other dogs and would love nothing more then a yard and a family of his very own. If you would love nothing more then a wonderful, social dog please come in and meet this fellow if you are interested in adopting this dog please visit littel shealter animal sanctuary.none of this is my writting i have chose him because he was neglected by us and now he will probably live in the shealter for a long time.i think we should stop abusive pet owners before it gets this far.please help dariuse really needs to be adopted look at littel shealter animal rescue and adoption center.