Stop euthanizing adoptable animals!

Euthanasia should only be performed when an animal is suffering from injuries, disease, or they viciously attacked someone. Should we start euthanizing humans because we are so overpopulated? Wild animals attack based on instinct and should not be euthanized unless there is no way of releasing them back into the wild. Animals attack other animals, it happens. If the neighbor dog attacks your dog, call the police. Charge them for not having their animal on a leash. Don't have the dog euthanized for acting on instinct. Did you know 3 to 4 million cats and dogs are euthanized a year in shelters? Animals deserve to live a full life without us interfering. If all animals were spayed or neutered, breeders only bred to keep species alive, and people took responsibilty for their animals, there wouldn't be so many homeless pets. Don't buy, adoptSTOP euthanasia and pass laws that make spaying/neutering mandatory along with the responsibilty of owning a pet!
Here is a statistic on shelter euthanasia from the ASPCA website:
-Approximately 5 million to 7 million companion animals enter animal shelters nationwide every year, and approximately 3 million to 4 million are euthanized (60 percent of dogs and 70 percent of cats). Shelter intakes are about evenly divided between those animals relinquished by owners and those picked up by animal control. These are national estimates; the percentage of euthanasia may vary from state to state.
If every pet owner spayed or neutered their pet, it would dramatically decrease the number of animals in shelters. Do you know about the different types of euthanasia?

Animal Gas Chambers: These are extremely inhumane! They torture animals by throwing dozens of them in a metal box that they pump carbon monoxide/carbon dioxide into. The animals don't understand what is happening so they attack eachother in a panic. Here is a link for a video documentary from YouTube You can find information all over the web about animal gas chambers and what states still legalize it. 

"Heartstick Euthanasia" is a method where a syringe is filled with sodium pentobarbital and stuck into the animals chest to their heart. It is extremely painful if they do not put the animal under anesthesia first. Here is a website that goes into detail.
Intravenous Injection is the most commonly used form of euthanasia. It is "not painful" and is followed by unconsciouness, respiratory then cardiac arrest followed right after. Observers like to call it a quick peaceful death.
Shooting (Free bullet or captive bolt)
Cervical dislocation (Displacement of the neck)

Please sign today to stop euthanizing healthy animals!
-Who knows if this will help but it's worth the shot!-

Right now this is focused on the United States but I am looking into making it world wide if possible. If you are from another country start a petition to send to your president! 

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