Tell Social Media Platforms to Stop Supporting The Animal Obesity Trend!

  • by: Edward Tew
  • recipient: YouTube, Instagram, Facebook

Recently it has become a trend on social media to make accounts for animals that are obese. The reason? Because people think it's cute. These poor animals are suffering from poor health because we think it's cute.

The main victims of this trend are dogs specifically the breeds Corgi and Shiba Inu or more commonly known as their internet nickname "Shibe". Although all animals can be victims of this cruel trend. These animals are way overfed and cannot run and play like normal animals. Animals don't live very long as it is and their short lives should not be wasted on getting their health pimped out for views and likes on social media.

Allowing your animal to become overweight is animal abuse plain and simple. It's even worse when you do it for the entertainment of others and to boost your own social gain. We need to stop pretending the mistreatment of animals is cute and trendy.

Sign this petition to vow to never allow this to happen to your animals, to never support this mistreatment, and to tell major social media platforms to stop allowing these accounts to even exist! I also encourage you to contact these major social media platforms such as YouTube and Instagram and encourage them to make these videos that support animal obesity against their guidelines. Please report any of these videos you come across.

Together let's strive for a world free of animal abuse!

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