Let George's Mommy & Daddy Adopt Baby Kirk!!

We, the Cats of Facebook (and our human and other four legged friends!), hereby ask Angels Among Us Pet Rescue to reconsider allowing George's Mommy & Daddy to adopt Baby Kirk.

Baby Kirk could not find a better home than with George's Mommy & Daddy. They opened their hearts and home to our sweet friend George knowing he had terminal cancer and only a short time to live. They spent the 6 months they had with George making up for the time he had lost in his previous home, and for the time they knew was being cut short.

Baby Kirk would have so much love and support, not only from George's Mommy and Daddy, but from their local rescue group and veterinary team. Not to mention the 10,000+ friends of George on Facebook!

George's Mommy and Daddy have a wealth of knowledge about many different illnesses and conditions. They are experts at spotting the early warning signs of sickness and seeking medical intervention. Baby Kirk will never again have to worry about being left to suffer.

There are ways around the guidelines preventing George's Mommy & Daddy from adopting Baby Kirk. A local rescue or vet could do a home inspection, or George's Mommy could walk around with her laptop while running a Skype session. Or, you could browse through George's Facebook page to learn all you need to know. Scroll to the start of his page and you will soon learn how much love and devotion George was shown, and how much love and devotion Baby Kirk could be shown.

Please, Angels Among Us Pet Rescue, reconsider your decision. Canada may be far away, but the home that awaits him is worth it!

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