Support the Harrisburg City Islanders Multi Use Stadium Project

The plans to improve Skyline Sports Complex at City Island has taken another step towards fruition of this much needed improvement plan.

We are asking for fans, the public, community leaders, to join in with a signature of support pronouncing their commitment by placing their name on the Harrisburg City Islanders Multi-Use Stadium Project petition. The goal is to gather thousands of residents’ signatures in support of the plan, will work through the next phase of approvals needed to make the stadium plan a reality. The petition can be found on line, at the Islanders Front office and the petition will be available at all home matches this season.

During this early stage, it’s important to support this stadium project by signing the petition that the Islanders will share with local and state government officials as the proposed funding awards are awaited.

It’s imperative that we show the county and state the support behind the Harrisburg City Islanders and the multi use stadium which will benefit the entire community. We believe public support will make a difference.

“This is an enormous opportunity for the people of the greater Harrisburg area,” Eric Pettis said. “It will change the city in a dramatic way forever.”

“This is about community spirit, community pride, economic development and jobs,” said Eric Pettis, CFO Harrisburg City Islanders. “This stadium is about the city’s future. It’s about coming together with civic leaders, business leaders, religious leaders and labor groups all with a common goal: to improve the current Skyline Sports Complex into the expanded, safe and much needed complex.

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