Demand the maximum penalty for Sioux Falls dog killer Dwight Green

On December 6, a Chihuhua was found left in a pet carrier inside a dumpster enclosure in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. The temperature was around 15 degrees below zero. Though she was alive when she was discovered, her body temperature was too low, and veterinarians were not able to save her.

Sioux Falls resident Dwight Kendell Green, 27, has now been charged with this crime. Demand that he be given the maximum sentence. Unfortunately, in South Dakota, the maximum penalty for such a crime is only one year in jail and a $2000 fine. South Dakota remains the only state in the nation without felony animal cruelty penalties, though a bill to change that will likely pass soon.

Demand that animal abusers be punished. Demand the maximum sentence for dog killer Dwight Green.

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