Esto es una invitacin para vetar la obra de un artista costarricense. Este artista cometi un acto de tortura que tiene lugar en este mundo supuestamente "civilizado" ni en el arte.
This is an invitation to boicot the the work of a costa rican artist. This artist commited an act of torture that has no place in this supposedly "civilized" world nor in art.
En el ao 2007, Guillermo Vargas Habacuc, un supuesto artista, tom a un perro abandonado de la calle, lo at a una cuerda cortsima en la pared de una galera de arte y lo dej all para que muriera lentamente de hambre y sed.
In 2007, Guillermo Vargas Habacuc, a so called artist, took an abandoned dog from the streets, tied him to a very short rope to a wall in an art gallery and left him there to slowly die of hunger and thrist. varios das, el autor de semejante crueldad y los visitantes de la galera de arte presenciaron impasibles la agona del pobre animal. Hasta que finalmente muri de inanicin, seguramente tras haber pasado por un doloroso, absurdo e incomprensible calvario.
During several days, the author of such cruelty and the visitors of the gallery of art watched the agony of this animal. Until the dog finally died of famine, surely after a painful, absurd and incomprehensible torture. parece fuerte?
Pues eso no es todo: la prestigiosa Bienal Centroamericana de Arte
decidi, incomprensiblemente, que la salvajada que acababa de cometer
este sujeto era arte, y Guillermo Vargas Habacuc ha sido invitado a repetir su cruel accin en dicha Bienal en 2008.
Well that's not all: the prestigious Centralamerican Biennial of Art decided, incomprehensibly, that this horrible act commited by this guy was art, and Guillermo Vargas Habacuc has been invited to repeat his cruel actions in said biennial on 2008. IMPIDMOSLO !!
Thanks!!Maya Reyes