Resign with Dignity Mr. Campbell

  • by: Mike Harris
  • recipient: Ian Campbell, San Diego Opera

"The greatest madness a man can commit is to let himself die, just like that, without anybody killing him" ~ Cervantes

There have been few greater contributors to the performing arts in San Diego than Ian Campbell, and to argue against that would be pointless. However, when faced with "donor fatigue" and shrinking ticket sales, an inevitable path of declining revenues, Mr. Campbell has chosen to "close with dignity" rather than engage his tremendous intellect and artistic knowlege to carry the San Diego Opera past these problems.

To be sure, the path forward will be difficult. To his credit, Mr Campbell has already righted this ship, throwing his shoulder against the grindstone for many years to create the opera company San Diego has now. Sadly, the real issue facng the San Diego Opera is "leadership fatigue" and, unfortunately, with his steadfast refusal to examine and accept new approaches, Mr. Campbell is at the center of it. 

This crossroads begs a new approach, a new direction. We ask you sir, please: 

Resign with dignity.

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