Cancel the Summer Circus Spectacular coming to Windsor in June 2014.

  • by: Steve Palombo
  • recipient: YVAN MANTHA, Interim General Manager of Complex & Jason Toner, General Manager of Events

The circus is cruel (check it out). It's 2014. It's a fact. What's disappointing is that we still think watching lions jumping through rings of fire or elephants standing on their hind legs all because of fear is entertainment. The Summer Circus Spectacular, coming to Windsor June 6th, will include shows by a wide variety of animals. These amazing animals live their lives as prisoners in captivity and are forced to perform unnatural behaviours in front of thousands of people through abusive training processes.

"Entertainment animals" are cruelly trained to do fancy tricks they would never do in the wild. They don't get the opportunity to socialize normally with other animals of their kind, or to experience the natural habitats they or their families were born into.

The circus organizers claim that the animals, which are on loan from the Bowmanville Zoo, will be treated humanely and kindly. But even the highest possible standards for a circus aren't nearly high enough. They're boldly lying to us to get our money. Animals belong in the wild or in a sanctuary, where they can live a happy and healthy life. They're not meant to be used and abused for our enjoyment.

In 2014, the public needs to make it clear that we're educated on these issues and willing to stand for what's fair and just. We don't want to pay for and celebrate cruelty with our families. We don't want an animal circus in Windsor.

The "Summer Circus Spectacular" is bringing its cruelty-based entertainment to the city of Windsor, Ontario, where animal performers will be forced to act unnaturally, doing silly tricks in front of a crowd of screaming people.

Update #110 years ago
A big thank you to everyone who has signed this petition. To make sure it reaches 1000 signatures, please pass it on to your family and friends, asking for their support of a cause you believe in!


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