Keep Solebury Safe - Reinstate Aggravated Assault Charges against Peco Meadow Attacker

We are respectfully requesting the Bucks County District Attorney to maintain the Aggravated Assault charges against the person Nikolai Gasiorowski. Collectively and individually we have lived in fear for the last 12-18 months. Mr Gasioroski has aggressively, physically confronted and verbally assaulted a large number of us, many times while in possession of a firearm or some other weapon. Mr. Gasiorowski assaulted a horseback rider who was riding on the Peco-owned pathway on April 28, 2018, pulling him from his horse, punching him repeatedly in the face, breaking his cheekbone. The Aggravated Assault that took place on April 28, 2018 comes as no surprise to any of us. We fear that Mr. Gasiorowski's pattern of behavior indicates that he will assault neighbors, riders and walkers in the future. Many of us stand ready to testify in open court because we feel our community's safety is at risk.

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