Help raise awareness of dog fighting and leash law in Columbus, OH

  • by: Brandy Wilkie
  • recipient: The community, local law inforcments, City of Columbus and state of Ohio

On September 2nd my cat was attacked by an off leash dog, while the owner stood by and watched. No attempt to stop his dog. My mother and brother heard it all, and repeatedly ask the man to stop his dog. I wasn't there for the attack. I was able to contact a close friend who helped me take my cat to a 24hr animal hospital.
He finally stopped his dog and took off down the street. My mother tried to follow but he noticed and turned down an alley. My brother stayed home and tryed to contact police. I'm not sure if the police showed up because I was able to get there, get my cat, mother and brother to the animal hospital. I wasn't able to afford the procedures. There was no payment plan. I had to have him put down.
My question is, is there any way, ANY way! of finding who did this to my cat? Even with the very little information that we have. And how would we go about doing so?
If there is no way shape or form on finding the owner. I want my community to know whats going on in our neighborhood. To bringing up points of leash laws and dog fighting. I do believe this is a potential Dog fighting case. I'm not okay with knowing this may be going on in this community.

Update #29 years ago
I want everyone to know I am going to try to further this petition into a campaing. The idea was brought to me by my best friend's mother. I believe theres potential.
Also, I've traded contact information with a news anchor. In hope to raise awarness of dog fighting and leash laws.
I'm from Columbus Ohio. I believe Columbus is big on dog ownership. Animal control has been contacted. Unfortunately there is nothing they can do because there is NO leash law in Columbus.
Update #19 years ago
The owner was a male African American. The dog was a solid brown or black pitbull. Not sure if red nose or blue nose

I do not believe pit bulls are vicious animals. It's the way the owners raise them. Pit bulls are very loyal dogs and they will do anything to please their owner.Thats what makes them such great fighters. I don't want this petition to ruin the name of pitbulls, or be a personal attack against pit bulls. It is people like the owner that is ruining the name of pitbulls.
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