Mercari app must be put out of business, they help fraudulent activity

They allow the con artist of the world to get away with ripping off innocent people by allowing them to sell fake knock offs, you can NEVER reach anyone. They don't respond to any emails when you contact them. They must be put out of business. I want to help people so they don't get ripped off by this app anymore. The only way to do that is to ensure we put them out of business.

Please help me put Mercari out of business. They're not a reputable business. They're not even registered with the better business bureau as they have an "F" with them because of so many complaints. So many innocent people have been ripped off by this app and not to mention Mercari doesn't look out for their buyers or sellers. You contact them and get no response. I've had to have my credit card company step in and help me just to get my money back from a purchase from Mercari since the seller was trying to rip me off. I've heard from other innocent people on that app who've been ripped off by sellers claiming to be selling authentic items and it turns out to be fake. Mercari allows fraudulent activity. You email them about issues and they don't respond but they decide to repprammand you for it and tell you your account is banned for bringing it to their attention. I sell on many avenues such as eBay & Poshmark and those apps are legit and helpful when you notify them of something bad going down. 

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