Serbian Military Medical Academy sent request towards Ethics Committee asking
for approval to sacrifice eight German Shepherd ,dogs that are
retired Armed Forces of the Republic of Serbia.The scientific council of the MMA
has already approved this request.
The dogs will be stored for months at the farm of the Institute for Medical Research,
to be used for experiments. In their oral cavity would be built stimulator that would help
to better accommodate the implant, so that the body does not reject it. The method represents
a major therapeutic solution in modern reconstructive dentistry.
"Animals which are the subject of experiments are victims of unimaginable suffering.
From the moment when the experiment starts for them begins agony! "- the source said
to Kurir and recalls that the EU and Israel have banned many experiments on animals.
These dogs worked hard all their life and they have earned their pension,
not to be dumped as an experimental material, but to live in peace and well taken care of.
Stop this outrageous disrespect of loving, working military dogs
which are retired after life of service to Serbian Military!!