They Broke Their Puppy's Pelvis and Left Him on the Side of the Road

  • by: Care2 Team
  • recipient: Davidson County Sheriff's Office

In a heart-wrenching incident in North Carolina, a puppy was found abandoned on a street corner, suffering from a broken leg and a dislocated pelvis. This innocent baby was left to fend for itself in excruciating pain, a direct result of malicious neglect and abuse.

Sign this petition to demand that the perpetrators, recently arrested by the Davidson County Sheriff's Office be permanently banned from owning or caring for any animals.

The abusers of this innocent puppy not only caused awful injuries to the puppy but also heartlessly abandoned it in dire need of medical attention. They now face charges, but we must ensure they never are able to own animals again.

Join us in standing up for the voiceless. Sign this petition to demand justice for this abused puppy, but also to help to ensure the safety of other animals. 

Sign the petition to urge Davidson County officials to take decisive action and ban these individuals from ever owning animals again!

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