Help Stop Deportation Separating Families!

    I am 23, my mom was in America for 15 years and had me in Colorado. She had been working her entire life without giving any issues to the states. She was an immigrant. My brother and I are citizens of the country, my mom was deported to Mexico 5 years ago, leaving me and my brother alone. I understand we are adults and must move on, but she is our only parent alive. How do you take away the mother of children's? I can only imagine how many children are being separated from their families. How much stress people are going through to figure out their next step. How scared they are of being deported. I was 18 when my mom had been deported, I couldn't even get a passport to go visit her because I needed her signature, as well as my father, but he passed away 11 years ago. I have to wait until next year to visit her. I have been diagnosed with depression and anxiety due to all of this.
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