#BankExit - Tell Big Banks to Stop the Dakota Access Pipeline

  • by: Susan Sarandon
  • recipient: Bank of America, HSBC, UBS, Goldman Sachs, Wells Fargo, Chase and Citigroup

Susan Sarandon profileJoin me in sending a message to the big banks by withdrawing your money until they agree to: 

1. Divest from Energy Transfer Partners, the parent company of the Dakota Access Pipeline.

2. Pressure President Obama and the White House to call for an EIS - Environmental Impact Statement.

When you go to your bank (Bank of America, HSBCUBS, Wells Fargo, Chase, Citibank, etc) film yourself withdrawing money telling the bank until they divest from Dakota Access Pipeline you will take your business to Federal Credit Unions.

Then, tweet the video: #BankExit I'm divesting from @WellsFargo @Chase @Citibank @HSBC_US until they say #NoDAPL http://bit.ly/2ffFr01 cc: @BarackObama

Demand President @BarackObama call for an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) which will effectively put a stop to this human rights violation against the Native Americans at Standing Rock. 

The Standing Rock Sioux's only water source will be endangered by this pipeline. They have put their bodies on the line to stop the construction and defend their water and their way of life. The police brutality in response to their peaceful demonstrations is outrageous, and must not continue.

Bank of America, HSBCUBS, Goldman Sachs, Wells Fargo, Chase and Citigroup are all supporting this pipeline.

Sign this petition to show the big banks funding DAPL that we will not allow them to use our money to threaten the Standing Rock Sioux. 

I'm glad to have the support of other activists:

Actress and activist Shailene Woodley:
It’s obvious our government isn’t taking necessary actions to stop the Dakota Access Pipeline and protect our Native American brothers and sisters. It’s up to us as individual Americans to make it happen. Divesting from the big banks until they’ve agreed to stop funding DAPL would mean our politicians, and their corporate funders, would have no choice but to honor the wishes of the American people. 

Musician and activist Xiuhtezcatl Martinez:
X profileThis is not just an environmental issue; it's a human rights issue. By funding this pipeline, these banks are contributing to the violation of basic rights such as access to clean water and native sovereignty. We are divesting to send a clear message that we will not tolerate environmental racism. Indigenous people of this continent have been overcoming oppression for 500 years already. Enough is enough. People from around the world are standing with Standing Rock and our movement is growing every day.

Update #28 years ago
After nearly a year, and Trump’s new order to build the pipeline, #noDAPL camps are being cleared by the police water protectors have set some of the camps on fire as they are forced out and arrested. The campaign continues however: Standing Rock Sioux have called for a DC march & encampment March 10. More info here. If you can’t attend, >make sure to support and share #BankExit NOW.
Update #18 years ago
Permit Denied!
The Army Corps has rejected the DAPL permit to cross the Missouri River - this is a huge win for Standing Rock Sioux Water Protectors and allies! The fight isn’t over though - keep saying #NoDAPL and share this image on FB!
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