European Union: improve living conditions for animals in the meat industry

In the EU, animals kept for farming purposes have rights which are based on the 'Five Freedoms'. These freedoms are:

Freedom from hunger and thirst
Freedom from discomfort
Freedom from pain, injury and disease
Freedom to express normal behaviour
Freedom from fear and distress

This may seem great but unfortunately a lot of animals do not enjoy these freedoms.

Every year thousands of animals in the meat industry die due to fire or malfunctioning ventilation systems. A lot of pigs do not have the oppurtunity to burrow in the mud, go outside or even see the sun. The floors they stand on are often harmful for their feet. Chickens can not roam freely outside but are cramped in stables. Cows can not run and graze grass outside.

We need to change this!
Please sign this petition and help change living conditions for these animals.

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