Today, I am pleading on behalf of our friends, ALL the Animals across the globe, to urge everyone to stop the "cruelty against Animals".
Every day in countries around the world, Animals are fighting for their lives. They are enslaved, beaten, and kept in chains to make them perform. They are mutilated and confined to tiny cages so that we can kill them and eat them. They are burned, blinded, poisoned, and cut up alive in the name of "science" and "traditions". They are electrocuted, strangled, and skinned alive, so that people can parade in their coats, and worse.
Animals around the world are counting on compassionate people like you to give them a "voice" and be their "heroes" by learning about the issues they face and taking action. Each of us have the power to save Animals from nightmarish suffering and best of all; it's easier than you might think. I'd like to encourage everyone by "Marching for Animal Rights" on October 4, 2014, to every capital around the world. The time has come Ladies and Gentlemen, stop thinking of Animal Rights as distracting or less deserving of our time and energy than other struggles for social justice. As Martin Luther King, Jr. said, "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere." All oppression, prejudice, violence, and cruelty are wrong and must be rejected no matter how novel the idea or how inconvenient the task. For those who think that we will never be able to achieve the "dream of liberation" from oppression, not just for human beings, but for all beings, regardless of race or gender or species, I have just four words for all of you: March for Animal Rights.
To Whom It May Concern:
If the right policies were in place for Animal Rights, we wouldn't need corporations or governments overseeing which Animal lives or which Animal dies?
Your immediate help and attention in this matter is critical and urgent. Thank You!
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