Make WAL-MART & other stores responsible for helping to save ANIMAL's lives on their property

  • by: Joyce M
  • recipient: Wal-Mart President & CEO Carl Douglas McMillon & Senator Tammy Balwin

There have been multiple reports of dogs being left out in vehicles in extreme temperatures, and when someone reports a dog in distress, Wal-mart employees are directed NOT to get involved, not allowed to call the police, not to perform any heroics or they would be terminated!!! It is now a felony to leave your dog in a vehicle especially on a hot day as temps rise to killing or maiming temps in a matter of minutes. Brain damage and death occur frequently.
I have called the police when I heard an announcement that a dog was in distress, while I was at work, I could not hear the make or model of vehicle, I could not even get to a customer service rep to get the info, I stood in line for over 15 minutes trying to get the info, but by then, the dog would have already died! An hour later I was able to obtain the info, and the officer said it was already too late, they would have already have left and there is nothing they could do. I argued with the officer that it was now a felony and it should be his duty to check on the welfare of this dog, not sure if they ever did, but I was told that later on someone heard on a scanner that the people brought their dog to the vet but it was already too late!! The dog died!
Solutions: Pet owners should be made to purchase and use Windshield sun shades and side window shades, having windows rolled down at least half way, although in high temps this may not be enough.
SOLUTION FOR WALMART & other stores:
1. Have parking lot monitors that carry a windshield breaking hammer, and that the cart retrieving person also carries one and is given the ability to use it. After all, that parking lot is Walmart's or other store's private property, and I feel Walmart & other stores should be responsible for what takes place in their lot!
2. Walmart & other stores: should provide a shaded parking area's for PET Parking only, and enforced. or a shaded area that provides cages and cool water where a person can park their pet that will ensure shade, air flow, safety, and water for pets. (they have this for bicycles, and the handicap why not dogs/pets). Cages can be right inside the dogs as air conditioning is best and so is heat during the winter months.
3. Encourage employees to report pet neglect to the police and have the local police dept and animal rescue numbers posted for anyone to be able to call. Also have someone monitor the animal while waiting for help, in case they have to act further on the situation.
4. Allow all animals to enter on hot days as long as they are not a threat to people and other pets. Or provide special shopping carts that can house an animal so you can keep them with you while you shop (especially if they are not a service dog). (they provide motorized carts for handicaps) All to be enforced by monitors.

We know that people travel on vacations and cannot always leave their dog in a safer area than their vehicle, but to not be properly prepared to provide proper defense and protection for your pet is not optional. At the same time Walmart and other stores should not be directing their employees NOT to help and be humane or they will lose their job!
3. Employees have the right to act without losing their job and are encouraged to act and to provide a parking lot monitor that carries a device to make breaking in quick in case of an emergency..

I have written a letter to the President and CEO to Wal-Mart and I encourage you to do the same: It would help for him to know how many of us feel this way and why, please feel free to write your own reasons and what you have witnessed as well: If we get enough names we can take this to the gov. to make it a law. PASS IT ON!

His email address:, 

Here is my letter:

To Carl Douglas McMillon & Whom Ever Else This May Concern,

Dear Mr. McMillon,
There has been an alarming rate of Dogs being left out in cars in Wal-Mart & other stores parking lots during extreme heat, and mostly in Wal-Mart parking lots there is no "Pet safe" places to park.  No Trees or shaded areas.  We are begging you to please provide a special area that is for pet parking or to provide a shaded area or area just inside of your store's doors that provide a few cages where people can lock their pet until they are done shopping, maybe with camera's so owners are also held responsible.
Also the worse part I have seen and know, is that employees are being told that they cannot act on these issues or they will lose their job!
The way I see it, you are taking away their right as a human being, to not be able to report such atrocities, and felony's and honestly, that does not say much about Wal-Mart in itself.
As Wal-mart portrays themselves as caring for the community. 
I happen to live near 2 main visitor attractions, and people do travel with their dogs and other pets, and let's face it most people don't seem to be very smart when it comes to protecting their pet and then there are some hoping to run into the store quickly but cannot, and most cashiers seem to be as slow as molasses in winter.
This is why we are asking you to PLEASE PROVIDE SAFE SHELTER FOR ANIMALS while people shop, as even so much as 5 minutes in a vehicle even with windows open, can kill a dog or it can suffer brain damage.  Windshields are like magnifying glasses, and the temps amplify very quickly.  We know sun-visors greatly help, but the vehicle is still stifling.    
We know for certain, most people cannot make it in and out of a store within 5 minutes, and this is Wal-Marts private property, and Wal-Mart should be responsible for what takes place there.
1. Please provide a safe place for pets while owners shop
2. Please encourage and allow your employees to report and ACT upon when they see an animals in distress.
3. Provide the proper phone numbers on entrance doors to the proper authorities so even your customers can report an issue as well. because if they are from out of town they most likely will not know the local help line numbers.
I unfortunately was there for an incident when a dog had died because Wal-Mart employees were not allowed to call the proper authorities on the situation they were alerted to!  I could not hear the type of vehicle it was on the announcement, and it took me a good 20 minutes of standing in line to talk to someone in customer service to find out what vehicle it was, because I was going to go out there and save that dog!  So I already knew that dog would be dead.  I did call the police but it was an hour later when I finally was able to obtain the information, and they said it was too late I had to call while they were on the premises, and I said maybe they were, but it was a felony and that it should be their duty to check on the welfare of this dog.
Found out later over a scanner that the dog was brought to the vet but it was already too late!
I also seen another lady leave her 2 dogs in her vehicle with windows closed! I sat and waited for her by her vehicle in case she was in too long and I had to bash in a window, and I let her know how stupid it was, she seemed to think because she had her AC on full blast that they would be fine.  Thank God they were, but that is not your typical case.  But this is the way people think, or DON'T Think.
What if the owners were Spanish or spoke another language and could not understand the announcement?  Maybe people had no choice and had to get something for a child, or just plain stupid.  I believe that Wal-Mart and it's employees should be encouraged to do all they can to save a life, as this happens with children as well.  There is NO SHADE in your lots, but it helps that it is an enforced special area for pet owners, just as the handicap have their areas. Maybe a parking deck or a tented area, as it takes too long for trees to grow.  I have seen other stores have cage lockers just for this purpose.  I think this is a great idea, please help.
I have a petition that gathered over 150 names in just 2 days and the number is climbing as we feel very strongly about this. Wont you help your communities to have safer parking for their fur babies as some people just can't help but travel with them.
I would personally rather lose my job than watch a dog die and have to live with that, wont you enable your employee's to have a heart and be responsible individuals, it is better than the alternative, living with a death on their hands and becoming numb and heartless.
PS: the petition link is below and I added this letter so they know I have alerted you to this situation, giving Wal-mart a chance to be proactive in this very serious situation.
Very Sincerely, Joyce McGeehan & All the others signing the petition.
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