Tell Whole Foods to Drop Abusive Egg Supplier!

Animal advocacy group Direct Action Everywhere (DxE) just released undercover video footage of Petaluma Farms, a facility that supplies organic and other eggs to Whole Foods and Organic Valley.

The video shows hens piled on top of each other in cramped cages with little range of motion. Some hens are shown covered in feces, while others have their feathers pulled out. Video footage was captured between the summer of 2013 and fall 2014.

Petaluma Farms owner Steve Mahrt says the video footage is not indicative of the birds' typical living conditions. But the footage clearly shows dozens of birds in deplorable conditions. This should not be happening on any day on any farm, especially not one that claims to raise organic, cage-free hens in humane conditions.

Customers pay more at Whole Foods believing they are buying healthier, more humane foods. Please sign the petition to urge Whole Foods to drop Petaluma Farms as a supplier.

As you may know, animal advocacy group Direct Action Everywhere (DxE) just released undercover video footage of Petaluma Farms, a facility that supplies organic and other eggs to your company.

The video shows hens piled on top of each other in cramped cages with little range of motion. Some hens are shown covered in feces, while others have their feathers pulled out. Video footage was captured between the summer of 2013 and fall 2014.

Petaluma Farms owner Steve Mahrt says the video footage is not indicative of the birds' typical living conditions. But the footage clearly shows dozens of birds in deplorable conditions. This should not be happening on any day on any farm, especially not one that claims to raise organic, cage-free hens in humane conditions.

Customers pay more at Whole Foods believing they are buying healthier, more humane foods. The footage of Petaluma Farms indicates that their facilities are not up to your standards. We respectfully urge you to drop them as a supplier. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our petition.

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