End the brutal dog fighting in Ireland

1. What is dogfighting?
Dogfighting is a sadistic "contest" in which two dogs—specifically bred, conditioned, and trained to fight—are placed in a pit (generally a small arena enclosed by plywood walls or metal fencing) to fight each other for the spectators' entertainment and gambling. Fights average nearly an hour in length and often last more than two hours. Dogfights end when one of the dogs will not or cannot continue. Dog fights are usually highly organised, including Weight categories and a referee.
2. How does it cause animal suffering?
The injuries inflicted and sustained by dogs participating in dogfights are frequently severe, usually fatal. Dogs are usually trained for fighting by cruel and violent conditioning by their owners and are made vicious by their owners. Pit bull terriers used in the majority of these fights have been specifically bred and trained for fighting and are unrelenting in their attempts to overcome their opponents. With their extremely powerful jaws, they are able to inflict severe bruising, deep puncture wounds and broken bones.
Dogs used in these events often die of blood loss, shock, dehydration, exhaustion, or infection hours or even days after the fight. Other animals are often sacrificed as well. Some owners train their dogs for fights using smaller animals such as cats, rabbits, chickens or small dogs. These "bait" animals are often stolen pets or animals obtained through "free to good home" advertisements.The fighting dogs like pit bulls only intentions are to love just like all other dogs ...this is until the physcopathic owners train the dogs in ways you can't imagine. they beat them,they inject them with steroids,they starve them,they make them run on thread mills with a live chicken in front of them ...unfortunately the list goes on 😖Please never advertise a dog that is 'free to good home ' this is what the dog fighting owners have their eyes peeled for! I want to gather momentum of uproar against this crazy so called sport😡So please support and take a few minutes to sign this and I will try to urge our Irish government to change.
Update #18 years ago
There is currently 509 signatures on this petition! thank you so much for your support,please share on social media sites and tell your friends to help us reach our goal.Together we can win💪
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