Require Polluter Companies to Clean Up Water Contamination from Harmful Chemicals

  • by: Safe Water
  • recipient: People, Patients, and all human beings

We demand a new law to require all corporations to clean up their own water contamination. This law will streamline the process, eliminating legal hurdles and ensuring immediate action. If any company produces forever chemicals, they must report all chemicals used and created in real-time. Any chemical found to be harmful must be dealt with by the corporation responsible, not the public. Companies must clean up any contamination on their own dime, ensuring a healthier environment for all.

Water contamination from forever chemicals, heavy metals, and radioactive materials has reached alarming levels. These pollutants are dumped into our water, earth, and air—destroying ecosystems and endangering public health. The Environmental Working Group (EWG) found that nearly 110 million Americans could be drinking PFAS-contaminated water (source: EWG).

We demand that all companies responsible for this pollution be required to stop production of these harmful substances immediately and properly dispose of existing waste. No more using scam science to create 'safe' limits; we need a zero-tolerance policy with 0 PPT for any poison.

Petition Details:

Immediate Notice: Corporations must receive immediate notice if any of their chemicals contaminate the environment.
Real-Time Reporting: Companies must report all chemicals created in labs in real-time, including amounts, and new experiments, even in small amounts, all novel chemicals and created compounds recorded.
Proactive Measures: Harmful chemicals must be dealt with by the corporation, regardless of their commercial viability.
Corporate Accountability: Companies must clean up contamination at their own expense, ensuring the burden doesn't fall on consumers.
Sustainable Practices: Encourage the closure of irresponsible companies and promote sustainable businesses.

Sign the Petition:
Join me in demanding a safer, healthier future. Sign this petition to hold corporations accountable for water contamination and protect our environment and health.

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