Demand Clean, Clear, Safe Water in Wonder Lake, Illinois!

Please sign this petition to help possibly start a Class Action Lawsuit against the Village of Wonder Lake Water Department who own the Water Company & Robinson Engineering who is contracted to maintain the Water System in Wonder Lake, Illinois.

Also, this Petition is to help get more help from the USA Environmental Protection Agency & Illinois EPA for Wonder Lake as well.

We, the residents of Wonder Lake Demand Clean, Clear, & most importantly Safe Water!

We, the people of Wonder Lake, have been dealing with horrible Water Conditions for Decades!
Especially on the West Side!

T.P. Mathews (R.I.P.) who owned & designed the Water Company/System was sued Dozens & Dozens of times for the poor quality of water out here & neigboring towns prior to the Village taking over the failed water system.

We constantly have No Running Water for Hours on end, usually during hydrant flushing, which is happening more often.

We often have Orange, Brown & Yellow Colored Water again, usually after hydrant flushing, but, not always.

Low water pressure randomly.

Water wreaking of chlorine when they try to "fix" the issues.

People are getting ill with gastrointestinal, respiratory illnesses, etc...from using the water. Pets are getting sick too.

We were under a Boil Order for an entire Week on the whole West Side of Wonder Lake which is absolutely ridiculous for this day & age.

* Note: The Boil Order was from July 22nd unti it was lifted on Sunday, July 28th...6 Days!

*Note: in the Highland Shores neighborhood West Side of Thompson Road they also had a Boild Order Tuesday, August 6th until Wednesday, August 7th.

The Village of Wonder Lake contracted a company/ someone to install hydrants & 1 was installed incorrectly.🤦‍♀️I had the Fire Chief check & sure enough it was installed incorrectly.

No proper communication through this all!
They put up 2 small signs on Thompson Road, posted on Facebook, on their website & on the light up signage at the Fire Department on Thompson Road.
What about those that don't have internet, don't leave their homes daily, etc?
Many people didn't know for Days!

They could have mailed all of us a news letter from the water department at least!!!

& there's others issues as well...

Numerous households have purchased different types of filtration systems.          For example reverse osmosis systems. Needing to change their filters way more often due to all the water issues.

Many households have to get their septics pumped way more often because we have to run extra water to flush out the Orange, Brown, Yellow water.

The Water Bill cost increases to "fix" the issues with little to no improvement.

The Village of Wonder Lake Water Department should pay us back for all the decades of horrible water! Not just this bill! (Which they refused to even do that! Just no excess charge if you go over the base 7,000 gallons🙄...I never use 7,000 gallons for my household of 4 people!)

They make more than enough off of us customers to make sure we have safe water!

I for example pay $57.86/mo just for sewer! That's $694.32/yr! Times that by just the 1,400 homes that were under the 1st Boil Order...that's $972,048 just from us on the West Side!

That doesn't include all the other customers on the East Side!

We NEED Changes & real true Fixes already!

Enough is Enough!

***NEED help finding a lawyer & or anyone that's willing to Help us too.

I'm not gonna stop til we finally have Safe Water!

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