Please save the the orcas, dolphins and seals at Marineland!

  • by: Maggie Kalabakas
  • recipient: Eric Ciotti, Depute et President du Conseil General des Alpes Maritimes

Following the devastating storm which has hit the French Riviera on Saturday, October 3rd 2015, the resident animals of the Marineland Marine Park, located in Antibes, are in danger.

Please ask Monsieur Ciotti to intervene and help save these poor sea creatures, held captive and at risk of disease and death from lack of electricity, filtration and oxygenation.

On Monday, October 12th one of the orcas from the marine park Marineland in Antibes, named Valentin, has died, most likely as a consequence of the floods from 2 weeks ago.
Valentin was born in captivity and died the same way.
Please help save the rest of these poor creatures still in captivity and suffering in these terrible conditions.

Please ask Monsieur Ciotti to intevene and save the animals at the Marineland Marine Park. They need our help now!

Eric Ciotti

Conseil General des Alpes Maritimes

telephone: + 33 (0) 4 92 14 59 00


Thank you for your support!

Update #58 years ago
What really happened during Marineland's renovations?

Please see the shocking revelations of what actually happened during the renovations of Marineland.

Please help emty the tanks and release all the marine mammals to a marine sanctuary.

Please speak up and if you can join the anti-captivity movement on Sunday, June 5th 2016 starting at 10 am in front of Marineland Antibes!
Update #49 years ago
Like many other captive orcas, Valentin did not survive into his adult years. The circumstances surrounding his death might have been extreme and unusual, looking back at his life in captivity as well as that of his parents, it seems that his story is not an anomaly but rather all too similar to that of many – if not all – captive orcas.
Update #39 years ago
Official complaint lodged against Marineland
Following the death of 19-year-old orca, Valentin, at Marineland an American animal welfare charity has made an official complaint to the French government. Last week 90% of the controversial park in Antibes was flooded by the torrential rain and the tanks were polluted with flood water.
Update #29 years ago
On October 15th 2015, the "Direction départementale de la protection des populations (DDPP, préfecture Alpes-Maritimes))" has conducted an inspection of the Marineland Marine Park.
Their findings showed a high presence of fossil fuels in the water of the pools where the marine mammals are being kept.
Update #19 years ago
We must act now to save the survivors!
Please spread awareness on the plight of these still captive creatures who are all at risk of infection and/or death due to their living conditions following the floods of October 3rd!
They really need our help now!
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