• by: Jana DiCarlo
  • recipient: U.S. Senate & U.S. House of Representatives

The rise in gang violence since the 1980s caused lawmakers to seek a variety of methods to curb the formation and activities of gangs. According to statistics from the National Youth Gang Center, more than 24,500 gangs, consisting of more than 770,000 members, exist in about 3,330 cities in the United States. Congress spends as much as $20 billion per year in HEALTH CARE costs treating victims of gunshot wounds, and many of the incidents involving guns also involve street and other types of gangs.

Gang activities are often funded by a very underground blood sport called DOG FIGHTING. By strengthening dog fighting laws to the Federal realm not limited to Interstate involvement will put a serious blow to organized crime and the illegal weapon and narcotics trade. Anti-dog fighting laws are  CLEAR  and efficient in bringing down gang activities. ( unlike Several statutes and ordinances that have been fashioned as anti-loitering statutes, which often raise First Amendment concerns)

PERPETUATION OF VIOLENCE & Crime: Gangs use dog fighting rings to distribute illegal weapons and narcotics-which will be used in armed robberies and home invasions. Dog fighting is also about illegal gambling, and income tax evasion: Each dog fight can bring in purses as large as $100,000.00 per fight.

CHILD ABUSE IN DOG FIGHTING RINGS: Dog fighters and gangs bring their CHILDREN to such fights and teach them tormenting animals is "normal, perpetuating the cycle of violence. Virtually all dog fighters and their spectators have a history of criminal violence.  "One of the most dangerous things that can happen to a child is to kill or torture an animal and get away with it," 

FBI serial killer profiling confirms mass murderers start off by torturing animals due to the complete disregard for living things and lack of conscience.

Solution: Include Federal charges with dog fighting and their  attendants who knowingly gamble and watch dog fighting,  not restricted to Interstate involvement. Note the illegal gambling aspect.

Illegal in all 50 States, dog fighting remains a national epidemic due to the lure of big money, illicit drugs,  and illegal weapon exchanges. Participants are willing to take that chance because many Felony charges are reduced to misdemeanors by judges, therefore the necessity of a Federal law to further deter such heinous crimes and spread of vice and violence via gangs. 


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