Demand easy access to cruelty-free products

  • by: Anupama Udaykumar
  • recipient: Honourable Minister for Consumer Affairs, Food and Public distribution, Sri Ram Vilas Paswan

PETA estimates that more than 100 million animals every year suffer and die in cruel chemical, drug, food, and cosmetics tests. In order to perform unnecessary tests for cosmetics, household cleaners and other consumer products, millions of cats, dogs, rabbits, primates, mice, rats and many other animals are blinded, poisoned and killed every day. 

Though there are campaingns to educate consumers about cruelty-free products, the average consumer is either unaware of a cruelty-free option or finds it too much of a hassle to first research and then pick and choose such products in a supermarket. 

Any ethical person, if given a choice between two similar products, one being cruelty-free and the other being animal tested, would choose the cruelty-free option. But in the absence of an easy way to choose cruelty-free, consumers end up making the wrong choices. 

In order to promote cruelty-free shopping, to start with, we can get the big retail chains and supermarkets to have a separate aisle that only stacks 'existing' cruelty-free products  (Himalaya, Dabur etc.), from food, personal care products to household items. We could also extend it to online retail websites/e-commerce sites where they have a cruelty free section.

If it is made mandatory for every supermarket to have such a cruelty-free aisle, it would encourage the consumer to make an informed choice. Moreover, depending on the response to the idea, other companies that indulge in animal testing would also be encouraged to go cruelty free.

If you see merit in this idea, please sign this petition to the Union Minister for Consumer Affairs, Food and Public distribution, India, Sri Ram Vilas Paswan, urging him to make such a cruelty-free aisle mandatory in all supermarkets and retail chains.

This would eventually save millions of innocent beings that are suffering in cold, barren cages in laboratories with unspeakable acts of cruelty being performed on them, as you read this. 

Honourable Sir

Ahimsa is engrained in the psyche of an Indian and it is not restricted to human beings alone. It extends to animals and all living beings. Unfortunately, every person, including you and me, is unknowingly an accomplice in causing pain and suffering to innocent living beings everyday. Animals such as dogs, cats, rabbits, mice, rats, birds and many more suffer enormous cruelty in laboratories in the name of animal testing for products such as cosmetics, personal care, household cleaners etc.

However, there are certain companies that are against animal testing and maufacture cruelty-free products. Many consumers are unaware of the distinction between the two and also about the companies that indulge in animal testing and that do not. But, if given a choice, any ethical consumer, would choose a cruelty-free product over one that indulges in cruelty towards innocent animals. 

This is a plea to help consumers make an informed decision and an ethical choice by making it mandatory for all big supermarkets and retail chains to have a separate cruelty-free aisle in their premises, so that the consumer has easy access to such products.

Thanking you

Yours sincerely

An ethical individual

Update #110 years ago
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