Demand an End to the Proposed Norway Dolphin Slaughter Before the Water Turns Red

  • by: Evan Couture
  • recipient: Sametinget, The Norwegian government, Fiskeriministeren, Fiskeriministeren Harald Nesvik , Næringsministeren Torbjørn Røe Isaksen Mat og Landbruksministeren Bård Hoksrud Silje Karine Muotka Rådsmedlem Magne Svineng Avdeling for næring, kultur og

Sorry about the picture but I have to show you how bloody and cruel dolphin slaughter is. Demand an End to the Norway Dolphin Slaughter Before the Water Turns Red. There is still a chance to stop the proposed slaughter before any dolphins have to die. It is ridiculous that I have to put out a petition as dolphin hunting is a cruel and unnecessary practice. SIGN THIS PETITION AND LET NORWAY KNOW YOU WON'T STAND FOR THIS S***.

Petiton letter to Norweigian decision makers

I'm am greatly disturbed by the proposal that the Sami have put through to start dolphin slaughter. Please do not grant this, it would a terrible mistake and would color your lovely beaches red.

Update #16 years ago
Petition now has a target: Norwegian decision makers who can decide to approve or disapprove the proposed slaughter. Goal is the put pressure on them to disapprove of this his terrible cruelty
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