DEFUND MEAT INDUSTRY Welfare $ (Vegans Your Taxes Fund Meat)

  • by: Casey Constable
  • recipient: Vegan, vegetarian, animals, animal rights, cats, dogs, cruelty, welfare, taxes, government, republican

The USDA farm bill or welfare farm bill gives tons directly and indirectly to animal ag or sick factory farms.

The subsidies are why animal products are Soooo cheap, birds as low as 75¢ per pound, you can't get anything that cheap. It's impossible, feeding most crops to animals that they poop out, keeping in warehouses, transport, Slaughter, process, freeze or refrigerate and still make profits.

People eat more animals than ever (mostly small birds and caged eggs) from the worst conditions ever, factory farms. Most eat by proce, acquired taste, and convenience. The price sets the tone for the rest. A salad shouldn't cost $8/lb or way more than raising animals is backwards so we are sicker than ever too. Small gov, Republicans should be all for cutting the slush fund for animal abusers, free market. This alters our entire food system that is unsustainable. 

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