Stop Using Snipers to Kill Deer

  • by: Nia Jones
  • recipient: Mayor of Ann Arbor and City Officials ( ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; CWarpeh

The City of Ann Arbor in Michigan passed a measure to spend $90,000 of tax-payer money hiring snipers to kill 100 deer for "eating vegetation" this winter!

Following a deeply flawed study, two questionable aerial flyovers that counted 168 deer, council members determined that the people want something done now, that there are too many deer, and that non-lethal methods of deer management "aren't worth exploring."
The deer population in the area is 6 deer per square mile; a relatively low number, especially when compared to the "healthy herd" number of 20 deer per square mile, according to the Michigan Department of Natural Resources.

The Global Conservation Group polled over 1,000 random City of Ann Arbor residents.
An astonishing 98 percent of them don't support the city's plans to slaughter 100 deer this winter!

I politely urge you, Mayor and city officials, to implement non-lethal, ethical, civilized, deer management options!
Those may include deterrents, walls, sterilization, vegetation changes, relocation, and prohibiting the feeding of deer within the city limits.

Dear Mayor and City Officials,

The City of Ann Arbor in Michigan passed a measure to spend $90,000 of tax-payer money hiring snipers to kill 100 deer for "eating vegetation" this winter!


Following a deeply flawed study, two questionable aerial flyovers that counted 168 deer, council members determined that the people want something done now, that there are too many deer, and that non-lethal methods of deer management "aren't worth exploring."

The deer population in the area is 6 deer per square mile; a relatively low number, especially when compared to the "healthy herd" number of 20 deer per square mile, according to the Michigan Department of Natural Resources.


The Global Conservation Group polled over 1,000 random City of Ann Arbor residents.

An astonishing 98 percent of them don't support the city's plans to slaughter 100 deer this winter!


We, the undersigned, politely urge you, Mayor and city officials, to implement non-lethal, ethical, civilized, deer management options!

Those may include deterrents, walls, sterilization, vegetation changes, relocation, and prohibiting the feeding of deer within the city limits.
Update #29 years ago
From Chuck Warpehoski: "...Those of us who have supported culling have been accused of doing it to save garden plants...
Recently a resident described seeing forty deer outside his window. That is not normal deer behavior. It is not healthy deer behavior.
Recently a fawn browsing at my workplace allowed me to get within six feet of it (I was too nervous to try to get closer). That is not normal deer behavior. It is not healthy deer behavior..." He is not listening. Please keep up the fight!
Update #19 years ago
Reply from Stephen Kunselman's iphone: "Thank you. Not swayed. The information presented by the GCG is inaccurate." This is discouraging, but we keep fighting!
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