Demand South Carolina Charge Man Who Dragged Dog With Felony Animal Cruelty

On the day after Thanksgiving, two people witnessed something that horrified them -- someone in a pickup truck was dragging a helpless dog down the road on a rope. The rope broke, leaving the dog, an emaciated female pit bull, to die by the road. The trail of blood indicated the poor dog had been dragged over a mile. Her injuries were extensive and grievous. Fortunately Animal Control got the dog to an animal hospital, where it is now receiving care and love.

The truck driver has been identified, and reportedly has at least one prior animal cruelty conviction, but incredibly he has only been charged with misdemeanor animal cruelty in this case.

However, South Carolina law also contains a felony animal cruelty provision applicable to anyone who:

"...tortures, torments, needlessly mutilates, cruelly kills, or inflicts excessive or repeated unnecessary pain or suffering upon any animal or by omission or commission causes the acts to be done..."

Please sign this petition asking 13th Judicial Circuit Solicitor W. Walter Wilkins to prosecute this case under the felony provision of South Carolina's animal cruelty law, rather than as a slap-on-the-wrist misdemeanor as currently charged.

Dear Solicitor Wilkins:

Those who have signed this petition, like many other members of the public, were distressed and saddened to learn about the recent incident in Marietta, S.C. in which a helpless young pit bull was dragged behind a pickup truck for more than a mile and then left to die.

While we applaud the fact that a charge of animal cruelty has been levied against the man responsible, we do not understand why he has not been charged under the felony animal cruelty provision of South Carolina law.

Under section 47-1-40(B), anyone who "...tortures, torments, needlessly mutilates, cruelly kills, or inflicts excessive or repeated unnecessary pain or suffering upon any animal or by omission or commission causes the acts to be done..." has committed felony animal cruelty.

Surely the act of dragging a defenseless, malnourished, nursing mother dog for over a mile behind a truck constitutes "torture," "torment," and the infliction of excessive and unnecessary pain and suffering. Why is there any hesitation to charge this man under this provision of your law?

Please reconsider this position and charge this man under section 47-I-40(B). His actions demand no lesser charge.

We thank you for giving this matter the attention it deserves.

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