Demand an Investigation into Animal Abuse in Searcy County

  • by: Betty Watt
  • recipient: The Sheriff of Searcy County, Arkansas Donald Ragland

People who help rescue animals answer to a higher calling. There are some that masquerade behind a caring facade and are actually breeding the animals they take in and subsequently sell them to obtain money.


We,citizens of Searcy County, Arkansas, petition Sheriff Donald Ragland,  to reconsider the matter of April Westling, aka April Wood, Arpil Westling, Arpil Wood, recently of 4749B Nubbin Hill Rd. Leslie, AR. and now still residing within the jurisdiction. We believe there are enough facts in this case to warrant filing charges with the Prosecuting Attorney of Searcy County, Arkansas. The actions of this individual, her abuse and eventual abandonment of the dogs in question,  show probable cause with regard to charging the individuals involved with abuse of animals, abandonment of animals, abuse of animals in the presence of a child under the age of 12 years, giving false information to a law enforcement officer. Further, this person has falsely stated that she is a 501 (c) (3) and as such any donations made to her organization are fully tax deductible. Numereous persons have been victimized by her claims, donating money under the impression that such a donation is tax deductible. The breeding of these already abused animals is vile beyond description. We believe that after your investigation, you will see the need for going ahead with criminal charges for the involved individuals. Date when petition began: June 25, 2014

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