Demand to End Rabbit Dumping in Parks, NOW!!!
There are several parks across the nation that animals are dumped in every day. There is a park close to our home where bunnies get dumped daily. People are chasing them, trying to hit them with cars, and sometimes that actually happens, dogs chase them, they go hungry, have no shelter or fresh, if any, water to drink, and they are unaltered. The ones who are dumped then start having babies and those babies end up feral with little to no chance of ever knowing what a real home with a family is like. The babies also become easy targets for prey animals and easy meals for animals and homeless people in the parks. Our rescue has already taken in over 10 rabbits in less than 4 months, gotten them altered, and some of them adopted out. We have reached out to the Park and Rec district, City Council, Mayor of Citrus Heights, California, the State of California Park and Rec Superintendent, Animal Control and even the Citrus Heights police department.
We have requested them to take down the signs in the park and put up other signs stating that it is against the law for animals to be dumped. We have also asked that the City of Citrus Heights inputs cameras around local parks and catch people dumping animals. If animals are dumped, the people are ticketed and local shelters and rescues get the proceeds to help offset the cost out of pocket to spay and neuter the bunnies. We suggested all of these things to all the organizations listed above. No one wanted us to do anything. Their recommendation was for me to stop caring about the animals.
We, as a rescue, want the City of Citrus Heights to change their signs in parks to not promote dumping of animals. We also want them to place cameras throughout the parks to catch people dumping animals. If animals are dumped, the dumping parties be fined and local rescues and shelters get the ticket proceeds go to help offset their costs for spays and neuters of the animals strictly pulled from the parks.
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