Urge Council to Stop Bullying Man and Save Baa the Sheep

  • by: Uproar
  • recipient: council@cgd.vic.gov.au

Don't let the Dan­de­nong Coun­cil get away with bul­ly­ing and dis­re­garding the rights of an­i­mals. Please sign this petition asking council to stop wasting ratepayer money and reverse their cruel decision to order Baa out of her home where she has lived peacefully for eleven years

Last year the Dan­de­nong Ci­ty coun­cil fined lo­cal resi­dent Vu Ho for hav­ing a sheep, Baa, on his sub­ur­ban prop­er­ty. Coun­cil told Mr Ho he could not cont­in­ue pro­vid­ing a home to Baa as she was con­sid­ered live­s­tock, and or­dered her re­moved from her home.

Mr Ho re­gards Baa as “a mem­ber of my fam­i­ly” who has lived with him peace­ful­ly for eleven years, and said “I have to help her un­til the end of all of my ca­pac­i­ty”. He has so far racked up over $150,000 in le­gal fees try­ing to fight the coun­cil’s bul­ly­ing tac­tics.

If a lo­cal coun­cil or­dered a rate­pay­er to re­move a fam­i­ly dog or cat from their home we would be ou­t­raged, and we should be no less ou­t­raged in this in­s­tance. Baa is a beloved fam­i­ly mem­ber who by all ac­counts is al­so a loved mem­ber of the street – she used to spend her days peace­ful­ly eat­ing grass and the treats pro­vid­ed to her by Mr Ho. Sheep and other so called ‘live­s­tock’ have rich emo­tio­n­al lives and feel sad­ness, love, fear and other emo­tions just as do dogs and cats.

Dear Dandenong Council,

I am deeply distressed to learn that Mr Vu Ho, a resident of the Ci­ty of Greater Dan­de­nong Coun­cil, has been fined for keeping his sheep companion Baa on his property, and is now threatened with having Baa removed from his care. Baa the sheep has lived peacefully on Mr Vu's property for 11 years and has become a loved member of the local community.
I ask that you stop this harassment of Mr Vu and allow Baa to remain with the person who cares for and loves her.

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